Welcome to Logos Fellowship!

Thy word is a lamp unto my feet, and a light unto my path. (Psalm 119:105)

Basking in the summer sunlight. Drifting on the lake. The soft morning air caressing our skin.

Then, SPLASH!!!

Waves and water arise around us. The current draws us. Until the watery depths consume us.

Such is a leaf floating in the water. When all is calm, we are happy. We drift along enjoying every pleasure the world has to offer. But when troubles arise, we are swept away.

In the Bible, we discover the key to building good friendships.

“A person who cares only for oneself, is cared by only one; But learning to care for others, others he has won.”

We hope to be a group of friends that can make this come true.

It is more blessed to give than to receive.

— ACTS 20:35

About Us

Logos Fellowship is a student group at the University of Toronto. Our aim is to provide students with an environment to deepen their understanding of spirituality through the study and discussion of the Bible.

Student Organization Portal website